First day as an intern student in Deutschland

Yanisa H. #AiFitLog
3 min readJun 4, 2017


This is my first blog in MEDIUM and first blog in English. So, If it has wrong grammar or using vocabulary : I apologize for it in advances.

Today Michael(Staff who take care of us: very kind!) showed us around university where to find foods, where is our department and where is our lab that we will work in along 2 months.

The Laboratory which we work in called “FabLab”. I think main propose of this laboratory is to bring technology integrate with education for kid for more interest, more tangible. In here we see many thing that can make awesome stuff such as 3D printers!

What’s more in wedsite they explain FabLab is . . .

The FabLab (Fabrication Laboratory) is a place where pupils, students and teachers have the opportunity to experiment with technologies and materials and learn-by-design. Among other things, 3D printers, vinyl plotters and Arduino technology are used to promote the creative use of technology and make it “tangible”

In Fablab at University of Bremen

This atmosphere make me want to do something. Everyone actively to do what they are doing and it is interesting. Michael suggested us to talk with them.

As you can see in the picture there are many group of people, they arranged stuff and recorded stop-motion to make animation for learning Deutsch(German language) for kids. But I want to see it too! they told us they will have presentation in next week.

Before we come to Germany we were assigned to work with Calliope(I will explain what it is in next blog, If you interest you can find out in below link). So we met 2 high-school girls who work with this board too.

Today we just play and explore with Calliope. We make little stuff like music instrument by pressing the button, using accelerator to motion detection in X,Y,Z axis and display on LED matrix.

Calliope micro-controller and block programming

For me, I have made Counter If pressing B button. Variable name count will increase by 1 and if pressing A button it will decrease by 1. So, In every change, LED matrix will show the number of variable named count.

To program Calliope, It has 2 ways : by Block program and by Javascript BUT in Calliope website only has in deutsch. We have to used Google translate to understand. Alternative way is using Microbit website to program them because Microbit is similar to Calliope(Almost the same) but its website is English so we can understand easier. Thanks to Michael : he suggested us to learn by using Microbit website instead of Calliope

I found that both Calliope and Microbit use HEX file to interpretation but some function which make in block program of Microbit cannot implement to Calliope such as feature that contain music function.

Today is just first try, but it is very fun and interested. On the next day it will much more thing to do, I guess.



Yanisa H. #AiFitLog

Developer 👩‍💻 / Diet & Skincare enthusiast #AiFitLog